Thursday, September 13, 2018

What a ride

It has been a couple of years since I last blog and for good reason.  Life events and changes all so quickly and I am here typing and still do not know what the heck is going on.  I moved, connected with family I never met, quit my job, found another one, started full time college(again) and my little one is growing up so fast.  He is not as chubby and he is still a climber.
Potty training, I admit that was a test of patience but, he is almost there.  On the plus side he does not poop in his underwear anymore and I get to save money by not buying new ones.  Poop stains on white undies, you can forget about trying to clean them out.  I have discovered avocado toast and home made waffles.  Put them together, equals amazing.
 I also discovered that at my age, I need more protein.  Poached is my choice of egg.
Well that is it for now, until next time and hopefully not another 2 years.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Little climber, on everything

So this has been happening lately

he has reached toddler mode!  the last one is of him sitting at his new place which is the back of the couch now.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

first attempt at homemade potato skins

I think it turned out quite nice.  I used a melon ball scoop and just made a fancy mash to stuff the skins.  Next time I'll add some kind of meat.

baby man-bun

Not only his outfit was adorable but my friend gave him a man bun! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Finally, some HP sauce!

Soft boiled egg and uncured bacon end pieces on whole grain toast with an added bonus HP sauce!!  I've been waiting for that sauce for a very long time.  I can't get it here anymore so my friends in Wales sent me some and ohhh the pleasure I had eating my breakfast this morning.  Love my late birthday present :)

English bulldog has so much patience...

Best friends for life!  My dog has so much patience for his shinnanagins.  Love my bully, thank you for being my best friend and helping me take care of our baby.


He had a few costumes that he wore for the month of October, this was my favorite day to day outfit.